Context Api in React JS and UseContext Hook to resolve the mess
import "./styles.css" ; import A from "./A" ; import { createContext } from "react" ; //context Api const Fname = createContext (); export default function App () { return ( < div className = "App" > < Fname.Provider value ={ "biplav" } > < A /> </ Fname.Provider > </ div > ); } export { Fname }; import React from "react" ; import B from "./B" ; function A () { return ( < div > < B /> </ div > ); } export default A ; import React from "react" ; import C from "./C" ; function B () { return ( < div > < C /> </ div > ); } export default B ; import React from "react" ; import { Fname } from "./App" function C (){ return ( < div > < Fname.Consumer > { function ...